BPA Demo Tutorial

Demo Scenario

Thank you for your interest in the Business Partner Agent! In the email you received from us, you will find the access data for a test instance of the Business Partner Agent. Here are the steps to test the features.


Are you ready?

  • You got all links to your BPA test instances?
  • You ‘ve received your login credentials?
  • Please check whether the test instances provided work and whether you can log in.

In case of any problem, please contact: moritz.kaminski@ch.bosch.com

Let’s go…

You are in the role of a supplier and would like to make your verified bank details available to your customers.

First navigate to the address of the “supplier” that you received in the e-mail and log in with the associated access data.

As a supplier, at first you need a public profile that is available to your business partners, e.g. customers.

Step 1: Go to the menu “Wallet” on the landing page of the supplier’s business partern agent.

Step 2: Click the plus button.

Step 3: Select “Organizational Profile”.

Step 4: Fill in your organization’s master data.

Attention: The data is going to be publicly available. You agree to not publish personal data or private or secret data.

Then click on “Save”.

Step 5: Your organizational profile has been created.

Next, you can add your bank account to your public profile so that the bank information is available to your business parters, e.g. customers.

Schritt1: Go to “Wallet”, click the plus button and select “Bank Account”.

Step2: Fill in your bank account information.

Attention: The data is going to be publicly available. You agree to not publish personal data or private or secret data.

Step 3: Switch the “Public Profile” on.

Step 4: Click on “Save”.

Step 5: Your bank account has been added to your wallet.

In order to get the bank account verified, you need your bank as a business partner. In this step, you’ll add a bank as a business partner.

Step 1:  Go to “Business Partners” and click the plus button.

Step 2: You will see a text input field where you can fill in the bank’s DID. Paste did:sov:iil:M6Mbe3qx7vB4wpZF4sBRjt (in case you’re working with the IDunion Test Network use did:sov:idu:SCf4pK5PTvc1LnbUAF2aHD)in the DID Box. This is the DID of your bank.

Step 3: Click on “Lookup Partner”.

Step 4: You’ll see the public profile of your partner. Click on “Add Partner”.

Step 5: The bank has been added as a business partner. Note: The circle next to “Bank” will turn automatically green.

After having added the bank as a business partner, you can now get your bank account verified by the bank.

Step 1: Go to “Wallet” and click on the Bank Account document.

Step 2: Click on the arrow in the “Verification” section.

Step 3: Select your bank by checking the checkbox.

Step 4: Click “Submit”.

Step 5: You should see the bank account in the “Verified Credentials” section of your wallet.

Congratulations! You can now send a proof of your verified bank account to one of your business partners.